Thursday, September 6, 2007

The last post.

The last post!! Get out the bugle and the tissues.
Well, this is it, my last EVER entry in a blog or as I named it way back at the beginning GLOB!!

What has my brief encounter with Library 2.0 taught me??? Well, a whole range of strange words and phrases: Glob (my own name for this project) blog, blogger, blogging, lifelong learner/ing, technorati, syndic8, topix, feedster, RSS, netvibes, flickr, mappr, trading card, mashups, tags, librarything, virtual shelf, sidebar, skype, web crawls,, zoho writer, wiki, podcast.

Whatever happened to the Queen's English? or even good old kiwi lingo? Why do these new fangled 'things' have to have such silly names.

There are only two of these which I have made use of and both before they came up in this programme - RSS feeds and Sidebar - yes I discovered them all by myself.

And that's it folks, I will not darken your blogsphere again.
Over and out from cynical globstopper!!!!!!!