Thursday, September 6, 2007

The last post.

The last post!! Get out the bugle and the tissues.
Well, this is it, my last EVER entry in a blog or as I named it way back at the beginning GLOB!!

What has my brief encounter with Library 2.0 taught me??? Well, a whole range of strange words and phrases: Glob (my own name for this project) blog, blogger, blogging, lifelong learner/ing, technorati, syndic8, topix, feedster, RSS, netvibes, flickr, mappr, trading card, mashups, tags, librarything, virtual shelf, sidebar, skype, web crawls,, zoho writer, wiki, podcast.

Whatever happened to the Queen's English? or even good old kiwi lingo? Why do these new fangled 'things' have to have such silly names.

There are only two of these which I have made use of and both before they came up in this programme - RSS feeds and Sidebar - yes I discovered them all by myself.

And that's it folks, I will not darken your blogsphere again.
Over and out from cynical globstopper!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back tracking to fill in the gaps!!

29 August 2007
Windows live messenger and skype, & Technorati

Later ..... VERY much later, I have now 'done' the MSN thing. No comment.

And even later again ... Skype, skype, skype - no comment!!! I have installed it but the test call didn't happen, they didn't want to talk to me, or replay my test message. I can't see myself using this, I am self contained, I have no desire to peer into another users filing cabinet like peeking through their windows.

Yeah right!! Tehnorati tour? sorry, it didn't happen! and as requested I searched and got ... "No results for learning 2.0 from There are no posts that contain that text." Now what? I sort of explored technorati popular blog, searches and tags and no I didn't find anything interesting or surprising.

Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and the future of libraries:
Still reading the perspectives on this, to be continued ... ... later has been and gone.
I have read a few of the perspectives now and I am none the wiser or more interested really.
In the article To a temporary place in time... On the way to the library experience of the future Dr. Wendy Schultz states: "This too shall pass: The ongoing Library 2.0 debate frames library renewal within the current trends transforming our information infrastructure. But those trends themselves will evolve, even mutate, under pressure from emerging change."
What???? Agayne this is knot is plane inglush eh?
Oh what fun it is to be such a raving cynic, I rather think of it as being a realist.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Whadayathink? Summarise thoughts on 23 things programme.

Friday 10 August 2007. (Mum's 86th birthday today!)

In answer to the final thing ... the 23rd thing: None really. It hasn't affected me at all. No, I am not easily surprised. We could have had more feedback and interaction from the programme leader? as to how we were going with the programme - whether we were 'going' at all or just going through the motions.
As for all this modern technology ... remember we can never read the next chapter until we have finished the last, and I ain't finished the last yet. Give me a few years and I may well be up there with the wiki's, diki's, hiki's, but right now let me enjoy where I am at now. You can't rush an old bird.

Podcasts and free audio content.

Podcast stuff.
Yo! I haven't given up yet!!! Today I investigated and listened to a few podcasts, then added the RSS feed of one of them to my netvibes. Again I selected music, a cello piece.
I also investigated a few sites with free audio content.
Anything out there useful?? Well who can tell, one man's treasure is another man's trash. The music was helpful to me in keeping me sane on a Friday afternoon. Mmmmmm, oh cynical one strikes again.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sting - When We Dance

Podcasts, video & downloadable audio

Week 9 : Podcasts, Video & Downloadable Audio

Ahhhh, music, the best thing from 23 things. It makes my heart sing (or should that be sting?).

Sting : When we dance. See a separate post to see and listen to the video. I selected this video to insert into my blog because I like Sting's voice and pretty much all of his songs. This song in particular is a favourite, and a little haunting.

I wonder about the usefulness of any of the sites we have experienced during the 23 things project and also wonder about copyright, originality, privacy etc. we are peering into other peoples diaries and borrowing their stuff or in some cases editing what they have entered. I know I can do all this stuff but I don't like it, it goes against the grain. Perhaps I am just not a sharing/caring person!!! Over and out from the cynical one.

Weel 8 part 3 ... Tools

We were asked to "explore any site from the Web 2.0 awards list, play with it and write a blog post about your findings."
Well, I explored several sites from the awards list, I played (?) with them and am now writing a blog about it ... Too much info (or miss-info). Too many clicks. Too much wasted time waiting for pages to load, just to find you need to click again and again to get anywhere. I am sorry it doesn't do anything for me ... Y a w w w n.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Online productivity : week 8 continued ...

Week 8 continued: Online productivity.
I began to investigate Zoho Writer and before long ... O O O Oh N NO O O O OOoooooo (Shouted in v e r y - s l o w - m o t i o n) as I slide my office chair back and in one slow slick movement heave the PC across the library and out the window!!!!), ABL & ABP ... yep another bloody login & another bloody password!!! Oh dear, will it ever end!!!
I have done a wee test run on Zoho writer and here is the link.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Wikis, Online applications & Tools.

Week 8 : Wikis, online applications and tools.
I have looked at several examples of library wikis - and there was nothing wiki about it, it was quite time consuming. Mmmm, I'm not sure about wikis. I feel that with anyone able to edit the information in a wiki, it is not constant, or reliable, it is simply the opinion of whoever edited it last. ... to be continued ...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tagging, Folksonomies & Technorati.

Week 7 : Tagging, Folksonomies & Technorati.
Having given up on week 6, I will attempt week 7. Easier said than done. I tried to view the 12 minute tutorial and it caused my computer to crash ... not a good start. Never fear, I shall perservere.
Later ... much later. I have viewed the tutorial and whadayaknow? You guessed it, another user name, another password. And now it is time to go home, I have already used my blogging hour in work time this week.
Yours cynically

Monday, July 9, 2007

Instant messaging and skype

Week 6 : Instant messaging and skype.
Here we go again ... another installation, another registration ... therefore another email address, another password, another icon on the desktop. As the Windows live messenger site states itself - Blah blah blah.
Week 5 was play week, well I don't want to play anymore!!! Tune in tomorrow incase I have changed my mind ... but don't count on it.

Week 5 part 2

Week 5 : Playweek part 2 : Librarything.
I may be a librarian but I am not so anal as to want to catalogue my personal book collection, but for the purpose of this excercise I have added 10 of the books I have recently read and thoroughly enjoyed. Here is my catalogue link.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Mr. Picassohead

Week 5 ... Play week - Online image generator. I played and found Mr Picassohead so created a couple of self portraits in the style of Picasso BUT where have the images gone???? I emailed them to myself and am yet to receive them to fing out how to get the images into my blog. SO I have the link here which may or may not work. Otherwise search on the Mr P site for mam and the labels below will be there along with other 'mam' things which are not mine.

Self portrait after Picasso.

'Oh I shouldn't have had that second gin.'

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

It goes in here ... the music goes round and round, ooOo!

Week four : Flickr
I have flicked and picked and uploaded some pics on Flickr.
Here is one of them, a neat sculpture on the Brisbane waterfront.


Thursday, June 28, 2007


Week three - RSS feeds and netvibe accounts accounted for, albeit a tad late. I can't say I am enjoying this yet. It is meant to be fun isn't it???? It is very time consuming when 'one' doesn't know what 'one' is doing. Never fear, I will perservere

Monday, June 11, 2007

Mams glob!

Talk about dedication!!!! I am on holiday and here I am creating a blog, or as I prefer to call it a GLOB!

Blog, blob, bloggity blob, it sounds like something Mr Bean would say. bLoG!!!

Tune in next week for the next exciting instalment of this steep learning curve.